Root Canal

If you have a tooth that is causing you pain through infection or decay and would like more information about root canal please fill out our enquiry form.

Root canal procedure in Hampstead, North London

Specialist endodontics at Dental Perfection

The more you understand something, the less scary it becomes. We really believe that here at Dental Perfection which is why we encourage our more nervous patients to talk to us so that they learn about what will happen during their root canal procedure performed at our practice in Hampstead.

The treatment is extremely common and routine for our dentists, and despite common belief, root canal procedures do not cause pain – they relieve it and save your teeth too.

At your consultation in Hampstead, North London

When you come to Dental Perfection for your root canal procedure consultation, our specialist endodontic team will run through your medical history and any medication you are currently taking in order to make sure you’re in prime health to safely have the treatment.

You’ll have the chance to ask any questions you may have about the root canal procedure and discuss sedatives with your dentist early on if you are feeling particularly nervous about the treatment.

Your endodontist at the Hampstead, North London, surgery will also take dental x-rays to check the pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection. This type of infection cannot be treated with antibiotics and, if left alone, the pulp will start to die which will allow the bacteria to multiply and spread.

If they find this to be the case, your dentist will book you in for your root canal procedure at the Dental Perfection’s North London surgery in Hampstead.

Preparing for your root canal procedure

On the day of your root canal procedure, your endodontist will examine your x-rays or take new ones to find exactly where the decay is located. Then, they can set about preparing you for your treatment.

First, your dentist will administer a local anaesthetic to numb the tooth they’ll be treating as well as the surrounding tissue. This is what makes the root canal procedure essentially pain-free for most people.

The time it takes for the anaesthetic to work can vary depending on whether or not the pulp is inflamed from the infection. Your dentist will not start until the area is completely numb.

Your comfort is extremely important to us at Dental Perfection so we want you to be able to sit back and relax during your root canal procedure. Many patients choose to enjoy a movie or listen to music whilst their treatment is being carried out.

Alternatively, you and your dentist may have agreed on sedation for your root canal procedure. In this case, they will wait until you are sedated to begin.

Then, the endodontist will use a thin sheet of rubber called a dental damn over your teeth to isolate the affected tooth. This means your root canal procedure can be carried out in a sterile environment, stopping any germs from your saliva and mouth from contaminating the tooth.

Once this is all set up, you’re ready to start your treatment.

What will the endodontist do during your root canal procedure?

Root canal treatment at Dental Perfection is carried out using an operating microscope. Once your affected tooth is completely numb and prepared, your endodontist will drill a very small access hole either through the ‘biting surface’ if it is a back tooth, or from behind for a front tooth. This gives them easy access to both your root canals and the pulp chamber.

Then, using specially designed endodontics instruments, your dentist will perform your root canal procedure by removing all of the diseased and dead pulp tissue from the pulp chamber and root canals. This part of the procedure is not painful at all. In fact, when pulp is removed, your dentist also removes the nerves. So, once removed, the tooth itself will no longer feel any pain.

Once the root canals are empty, your endodontist will disinfect them with plenty of antiseptic and antibacterial solutions to prevent further infections in the future.

The next step of your root canal procedure involves your dentist gently shaping the canals with tiny flexible tools to make them easier to fill. The canals are then washed and cleaned again to remove any debris before filling.

The fillers used in your root canal procedure will be carefully selected by your endodontist to fit perfectly into the canal space. Usually, we will use a rubber-like material called gutta-percha and an adhesive cement known as a sealer to fill and close the tooth up again. This protects your tooth and prevents it from becoming reinfected in the future.

As for the access hole in your tooth enamel, your dentist will use either a temporary or a permanent filling material to seal it off following your treatment.

How a Root Canal Procedure Works?

Click to watch the video below to help understand the process.

Root Canal

After your root canal procedure

The after effects of this treatment are very minimal and rarely last more than a week. You may be a little sore for a few days, but this can usually be managed by over the counter painkillers. If you’re particularly uncomfortable, or the pain has lasted longer than expected, make sure you come back to the Dental Perfection’s North London surgery in Hampstead to speak to your endodontist.

Following your root canal procedure, you may need some form of permanent tooth restoration to replace any lost tooth structure and effectively seal the tooth.

If only a temporary filling was given at the end of your treatment, you will need to have it replaced with a permanent one. In some cases, you may also have a crown placed over the tooth to further protect it from future damage or contamination.

After Root Canal Treatment?

Click to watch the video below to help understand the process.

Root Canal

Root canal treatment consultation

To help you decide about going ahead with treatment you can find out more about the benefits of root canal treatment and we let you know of any potential risks of root canal treatment too. You can also view our standard root canal treatment costs.

To book your root canal procedure consultation with Dental Perfection, call us today on 020 7431 2710, or come in and make your dentist appointment at our North London practice in Hampstead.

We have been working with clients from all over North London (including St Johns Wood, Belsize Park, Highgate, and Swiss Cottage) from our Hampstead clinic since 1979.

Our North London premises are less than a minute's walk away from Hampstead Underground Station.

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